Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Chicks are Here!

On Monday afternoon, despite 9 inches of newly fallen snow, coughing fits, and concerns about spreading this terrible illness, we set out for the local feed store to pick out our baby chicks. And boy am I glad that we did. From the moment we spotted the rows of pens to this very minute, the "chickies", as we have been calling them, have been a constant source of wonder and entertainment. These chipper new additions have made our continued sickness and quarantine bearable. 

We set up our brooder in a large cardboard box in the basement.  The red lamp is supposed to help them be nice to each other (not peck each other).

They all run and huddle together in one corner when the kids come over to look at them. If the big kids stand there quietly then the chickies slowly go back to pecking at their food and exploring their house. 

And now let's take a closer look. Today was the first day that we were allowed to hold them. Only big sister A actually "held" her chickie. The others just petted their heads while I held them.  Let me introduce you first to big sister A's chickie (the one in the foreground with pretty eyeliner) -- Felicity is her name. She is an Araucana and will lay blue eggs. 

Felicity is a feisty girl.  She runs fast through the brooder and pecked me when I tried to pick her up. Here she is below standing up to "Ducky".  Ducky is a Buff Orpington.  We agreed to name her Ducky because she looks like a little duckling among the chicks. She is slightly larger and has golden yellow fuzz and an orange beak.

This black hooded girl is "Sheeba". She is a black Australorp. I think she is brave and independent. Usually, she is the first one to come out of the huddle in the corner after the kids quiet down. 

Dottie is a shy girl. She is the grey one in the middle here. She is a Golden Laced Wyandotte.  

 Here is Dottie looking toward the camera. And on the far right is brother M's bird that he decided should either be called "Max" or "Sally".  Sally is a light yellow almost white, but is the same kind as big sister A's Felicity -- Araucana. I am hoping that Sally will be grey or white when she is grown, while Felicity will probably be a reddish brown.


  1. Yay. They are cute. What will you do for a coop when they are big? Did you buy one or will you build one?

  2. Aaron is going to build one -- pressures on now to hurry and get going on it. This is the one that I want him to model ours after:
