Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Reuse Recipe: Newspapers

I think I could write an "Ode to Newspaper".  Oh newspaper how I love you!  In our little community we get a free newspaper 2-3 times a week. I hardly ever take the time to read it, but I do use it for all kinds of things. Anytime when you might reach fo a paper towel, you could pretty much substitute newspaper. For soaking up the water under my my milk jug greenhouse construction project yesterday - see the newspaper?  For cleaning the oven (and windows)- newspaper!  It soaks up all the gunk and it  is disposable, even recyclable!

Here is my organic oven cleaning method: (I learned this from from Martha Stewart)

Organic Oven Cleaning
  1. Make a paste of baking soda and paint it all over the inside of your oven (avoiding heating elements and window) 
  2. Let it sit over night
  3. Scrub with a brush and bowl of water
  4. Wipe out with newspapers

Recycling newspapers

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