Sunday, October 13, 2013

Reuse Recipe: How to Make Real French Toast

Dear friends- this is a recipe worth letting good bread go stale for.  My host mother made this for me a couple times when I lived in France (about 18 years ago now) and the memory of its deliciousness never disappeared. I finally asked her about it when she was here a few weeks ago. 

REAL French Toast

1. Cut up stale bread in cubes.  Fry in salty butter until crispy.

 2. Have cooked apple slices standing by. They should be apple pie soft and not mushy

3. Mix 4-6 eggs with some milk (like you are making scrambled eggs). Add cinnamon and sugar to taste.

4. When the bread cubes are nice and crispy - pour the egg mixture over top and quickly stir. Thereafter just shake the pan a little. The egg part needs to cook quickly or the bread will get mushy and not be as tasty - this is what makes this recipe yummier than bread pudding - crisp buttery toast on the bottom. 

5. About a minute later spread the apple slices around on top in an attractive way and pat them in with your spatula. 

6. Serve immediately. Delicious fall comfort food. 

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