Sunday, March 2, 2014

Garden Progress: Sprouting again

I am so happy it is time to start my veggies again. Tomatoes, peppers, and marigolds are growing so far. I am trying a new spot this year -- in my room. I know, weird right? It is the most southern of the exposures in our house. In other spots they have gotten too lanky and weak from reaching for the sun.  I might have to invest in a grow light if it does not work again this year.


1 comment:

  1. Exciting! I got my seedlings in on Saturday and I've had the leggy problem in the past too. For this year I got a shop fluorescent fixture and some plant/aquarium lights to go in it- all from home depot. I'm thinking for all of it it was around $30. I realize now though I should have got one with 4 bulbs instead of 2, wider would have fit my seed trays better.
