All 3 kiddos came down with croup last week. That was followed by ear infections. We spent a lot of time in our jammies doing art projects. The peg people had some fun adventures
We watched t
his cool educational video (from the library) about learning to tell time:
Baby S is trying to tell us all kinds of things lately - all in his own language |
Baby S learned how to feed daddy- notice his new top teeth, not to be confused with the odd bits of cookie! |
Baby S is a little stinker. He pulls things out of cupboards and climbs in. He loves climbing up the furniture too |
Here are some projects the kiddos made at art class and the Nature Center classes.
Big sister A took this picture of her clay fairy house |
Frame decorated with beans and seeds from a Fall themed class at the nature center |
Everyone is finally done with their antibiotics and feeling better. Here they are dancing with daddy:
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