Thursday, December 12, 2013

Home Schooling Summary for Last Week

 It's funny looking back through the pictures from the last week. Their is a clear shift in seasons. From playing outside in the leaves last Thursday and talking about the 1st American flag in history class, to picking out our Christmas tree Saturday and playing in the snow on Monday and Tuesday.

I founds some great websites with free coloring pages on American History. Here is one. And the Crayola coloring page site has some quality ones too.

I recently learned that any homeschooling parent can sign up to participate in the scholastic book club! I used to love when the teacher handed out those book order forms. I remember pouring over it trying to choose the best books and then figuring out how to convince my mom that we needed more books.
As a homeschooling "teacher" or "co-op", the bigger the order the more bonus points you get and the more books you can get for "free" with your points. I emailed the flyer around to the other ladies at church so that we could put in a big group order.  I also went to the Scholastic Warehouse Book sale (50-80% discount on all the books) this week and found some exciting history and science books there. Here is a sampling:

Playing in the leaves with one of our favorite home schooling buddies. We kept adding to this pile over the course of a week or two - playing in it and then raking it back up again.

 Big sister A was determined to pick out the best tree this year, not unlike her mother, she strolled way down the line and into the grove in search of it.

Daddy and brother M were not as particular about the tree and much more conscientious of the long hike that we would have dragging it back to the car.

Baby S looks uncertain as to what we are doing strolling in the cold.

And we finally found this year's perfect tree! It smells so amazing in the living room. I love this tradition. I don't even mind vacuuming up the pine needles because then the vacuum smells wonderful every time I turn it on (until I have to empty that bag).

Snow days playing and sledding around the back yard with daddy as sled dog.  It was a cold snow and not "sticky" enough for a snowman as brother M described it.

Licking the beater is an essential part of making the gingerbread house:

Daddy shows off his construction expertise once again:

 Due to the snow, most of our church meetings were cancelled on Sunday, so we spent some time decorating together. Notice our new wooden shoes - Sabots - tucked under the tree and along the mantel. Our lovely French visitors brought them for us. I told the kiddos that they are so lucky because they will get goodies from both the French Santa and the American one!

The nativity is installed on a high shelf/tall cabinet this year due to baby S's curiosity and tendency for climbing.

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