Sunday, October 1, 2017

Iceland Day 4: Hiking Glymur

The Glymur waterfall and hike were just a few miles from the house where we stayed.
It was so beautiful.
We took our time hiking up. I think it took us about 3 hours. A lot of that time was spent taking pictures.

The first big hurdle was being brave enough to walk along this skinny log across the rapids. The drop between the log and the water is a lot farther than it looks in this picture.
Whew! Made it!  Looking back down along the valley that we had hiked up to that point:
The steepest and slipperiest parts were roped.
Looking down the valley from a higher vantage point:
Here is the trail ahead:
I spent a lot of our trip obsessing over all the plants. Most of them were ones that I had never seen before. There are 700 different varieties of lichens, plus mosses, and other flowering plants in Iceland. We also saw lots of bilberries and crowberries while we were hiking.
There are not many trees in Iceland and very few of those were taller than me.
This is what hubby was doing most of the time:
This is what I was looking at a lot of the time:

The valley behind us:

The trail ahead of us:

Top of the falls:
Looking down from the top:
More botany:

The cold river that feeds into the falls:
Top of the falls:

Here is where we stopped to take off our shoes and socks, roll our pants up to our knees and cross to the other bank and the other side of the trail!  It was so cold on my feet, but that would have been fine if the rocks were not so sharp...  The water did not come above my knees, except that one slippery spot where I had to put a hand down to catch myself. I kept thinking to myself, good thing I used to play in the creek so much when I was a kid. Walking on slippery rocks and gravel through running water was not quite like riding a bike though.
  Now some views from the other side as we hiked down:

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