Sunday, September 1, 2013

Garden Progress: Out with the old and in with the new

This week I steamed and froze 6 qt bags of collards and kale and removed those plants. The white flies were really getting to them anyway. In their places I planted the basil, cilantro and swiss chard starts that I mentioned last week. I also picked about 12 tomatoes and some hot peppers - enough to spur me toward a batch of "Zesty Salsa" from the Ball canning book. Very yummy.  Over the last 2 weeks I had also gathered about 5 lbs of tomatillos.  So in tandem with the zesty salsa, I also canned "Tomatillo Salsa" from the Ball canning book. I must have done something wrong though, maybe too many jalepenos? It came out very spicy. It probably will end up being used in small amounts for large pots of chili!
I do recommend the "tandem canning" idea though. I spent most of the day Friday chopping. By evening when the kiddos were in bed I was ready to boil and put in jars. While the first batch of salsa was in the boiling water bath the second pot of salsa was boiling. It saved me from having to prep the jars, water, etc 2 days in a row.

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