Sunday, April 19, 2020

Family Fun: Daddy's Birthday

  We celebrated Daddy's birthday this week. With isolation/not going to the store etc. the birthday dinner choices were somewhat limited, but we managed to make some special treats anyway.  We had barbecue ribs (from the guinea hog that we took to the butcher), my fam's traditional cauliflower bacon salad (lettuce from our garden), and mashed potatoes. I also made his favorite rhubarb pie with rhubarb that we grew and froze last year. This year's rhubarb is up and looking good, but not quite strong enough to harvest yet. 
 The kids handmade all of his gifts.
  A wooden truck and paper airplane -
 A comic strip and a lego couch guy
  And big sister A sewed two face masks for him with directions from the CDC website.  Just in case we need to go anywhere. Face masks are mandatory in all public places now.

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