Sunday, April 19, 2020

Family Fun: A couple weeks of activities

*I had to wait to publish this post until the gifts mentioned below arrived and were opened by our buddies, to make sure that we didn't spoil the surprises. 

Shelter in place order started Monday at 8pm.  Made a quick trip up to Lancaster grocer's that day, before the order kicked in. The kids skyped with their music teachers.  They had a talent show with their grandparents and cousins on Zoom.  Another week of good home school progress. Plus big sister A made dinner for us all by herself (the night of the rat crisis) including a bouquet of spring flowers for the table!  She also made dandelion cookies, banana cream pie, and yogurt parfaits for everyone this week. Brother S and Miss L helped me make corn tortillas one night.  I expected the kids to hate them - since they won't eat the store bought ones. I was planning to make them into tortilla chips to go with salsa and guacamole. But surprise surprise! They gobbled them up with their beans and rice. One more confirmation that homemade is almost always better. 
We watched General Conference from home as usual -- bingo boards, coloring pages, word searches-- 4 hours is a long time to sit and pay attention.

Continuing this from last week:
In the kitchen this week, the kids made cinnamon rolls with cream cheese frosting, waffles, mac and cheese, and from scratch and pizzas.

Our favorite W family buddies have some birthdays coming up so their was a great deal of crafting in our spare time. Big sister A made this scrappy kitten family for her friend Z.  She did the whole project independently.

 Big Sister A also had a first messenger chat with her French buddy.  It was a combination French/English lesson and cultural learning experience. Super fun. We are going to try to make it a weekly event and prepare a few phrases and questions in French beforehand each time.
Several friends dropped off goodies this week from their kids to my kids while they were picking up their plant orders. A's good friend gave her an air plant!  She had a lot of fun creating a decorative planter for it. 
 Now it is hanging in her room.

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