Sunday, September 22, 2019

What happens in our spare time?

 I was working on a lesson for co-op school (kingdoms and classifications curriculum) when brother S and miss L hijacked the cups for their own designs. Very creative.
  I find a lot of pictures like this on my ipad. These are two of our W family buddies.  My kids love to Skype with them.  They can talk for hours though!
 And since the weather has continued to be much more dry than usual, I have been tackling sealing the trellises and high parts of the deck. I know that we are supposed to apply another coat of stain every 3-5 years, but we have only been in our house for 3 years... I have to just guess based on how light they are getting that they need another coat. They are a pain to do so I can totally understand how the previous owner might not have done them for awhile. Here is one before and after shot. I have been doing it in small sections. First, scrub a section with krud kutter, then wait a day for it to dry and then seal that section. Working my way around the deck - left to right.  At least I have the satisfaction of seeing that it makes a big improvement.
 And the outer railings etc. seem like they have not been done for a LONG time either. Again, it makes sense since they are up high and require the effort of using a ladder. Just one more of those annoying routine maintenance tasks that have to be done to keep things in good shape longterm.
 Cub Scouts started again this week. One of the games that they played at pack meeting was who could stand on one foot the longest. Both big sister A and brother M were among the finalists.  Here are the last two standing. I am thinking that ice skating practices may have improved my kids' abilities to stand on one leg. A even looks like she is skating almost.

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