Sunday, March 24, 2019

Plant Medicine: Cure for an ulcer

Over the last couple months I have had a lot of stomach pain.  It started to become more noticeable around the holidays.  By Christmas I knew that chocolate was a major trigger for both my stomach pain and migraines.  I mostly stopped eating it.  But my stomach got worse.  By early March, it hurt right below my rib cage any time I ate.  I self diagnosed with an ulcer and I knew that if I went to the doctor they would give me a prescription for one of the plethora of pain relieving meds that would not really fix my tummy, but allow me to eat whatever I wanted.  I researched ulcers in my several herbal remedies books.  I tried teas and tinctures, but they only helped temporarily.  Their is an anecdote in Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health about how her mom healed an ulcer by doing a cabbage juice fast. She drank fresh cabbage juice 2-3 times a day and ate only an occasional piece of fruit FOR 7 DAYS.  That sounded like forever. But finally I got desperate enough to do it.  This is what I ate for 7 days.  I lost some weight. I was not as light headed as I thought I would be. I felt weak, but never faint.  I was even able to do 7-8 hours of yard work one day without passing out.  I did eat more than "a couple" pieces of fruit that day... more like 6 fruits.  
Guess what?! It worked!! I tried to keep to mostly fruits and veggies the first couple days of regular eating. Everything tasted so good.  I didn't add dairy back in for the first week.  I do not eat a ton of dairy and my rare bowl of ice cream or custard has been fine.  Today, 2 weeks post cabbage fast I ate a wee bit of regular yeast bread.  I think I probably need to continue to avoid that.  I have been making my sister's pioneer whole wheat sour dough bread and that seems to be good for my tummy.  And it is delicious.

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