Sunday, March 24, 2019

Field Trip: Police Station

A lady from our co-op arranged for a tour of a local police station. I am not a big fan of police shows, not since the original "21 Jump Street" with Johnny Depp anyway, so I had lots of questions.  I learned about beats and police chases and the rigors of being a police officer.  I was curious about mounted police (horses) and police dogs -- both of which they have.  They also have enough diversity among the 400 offers of the police force that their are officers who speak most of the languages needed locally - including Korean, Russian, French, Chinese, etc. They have officers on bikes in parks, on motorcycles, on electric bikes, and helicopters.  Both our tour guides were retired military officers.
 Jail cells. Apparently they hardly ever bring juvenile offenders in here -- unless it is a really serious crime.  Mostly they take them to meet with their parents.
 Scary. "Definitely never want to be in there for real" says brother M.  I was totally claustrophobic by the time we finished the tour.  No windows. No sunlight. That would be terribly depressing.
 Shooting range.  They get tested regularly and have rigorous moving targets, with both day and night time shots that they have to make.
 New police truck. The officers seemed pretty excited to have a truck.  I asked what its purpose was - pulling people out of ditches in snow?  They said that that is a liability and they let towing companies handle all such business.  They have a special rack on the front of the truck and many squad cars to allow them to push stopped or wrecked cars off the road.

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