Sunday, March 8, 2015

Someday this will be hilarious

Let's start with a story.  Big sister A recently confessed to us that brother M has been drinking hand soap. After a lot of Q&A with them we learned that brother M decided to mix hand soap with water (several squirts in a cup of water) and drink it so that he would get a tummy ache. Why would he WANT to get a tummy ache? So that he could lay in bed with the tablet and watch a show.  We are still not clear whether he reasoned this all out by himself or whether hints from big sis (who was present at the time of said drinking) were to blame. In any case, new rules about what happens when you get a tummy ache are in place and a lesson on the dangers of drinking/eating non-edibles has been given.  We called poison control just to make sure that he was not in any danger of liver failure or anything.  They confirmed that no, drinking hand soap is not that dangerous and will just "give him a tummy ache". Rad.

Next, a funny joke from today. A has been reading a series of books called The Rescue Princesses. The characters have a secret girl club. Secret clubs are a favorite conversation topic right now. Today at lunch A said, "I am in a secret girl club and M has his secret boy club. Mommy has a secret club for mommies." Then brother M piped up and said, "And Daddy has a secret Daddy Club with all the other sleepy guys."  So clever - Daddy wants to know where and when his club for men who like to sleep meets.   And little brother S has a club for "Light blue baby climbing tree frogs", which is how he describes himself currently.  He wants to go back to the zoo soon to visit his buddies.

Now on to a moment which will be very deja vu for my mom and my little sis. Daddy was working late. I was trying to make pizza for dinner and left the boys rolling out  (playing with) the dough and rolling pins while I responded to baby L's cries for her dinner. As I was in the living room nursing I heard M say joyfully, "We are making it snow!" I jumped up from the couch to assess the damage and this is what I saw:


Of course, daddy arrived just as we were about to eat a very late dinner --after I had swept the floor, thrown the kids into the tub, baked two pizzas, and gotten the kids in their jammies; (Big sister A was a marvelous helper with bathing the brothers and helping them get ready for bed).   Note for future reference - wheat flour plus water makes a glue and when dry it is like terra cotta. Big sister was not able to get it all out of S's hair on Friday and Saturday night baths were a nightmare. Through some trial and error I found that olive oil loosened the flour clay enough that I could scrub it out. Baby S was very sad by then and I hope he remembers that playing snow with flour was actually a very bad idea. 


  1. We think it is pretty hilarious now!

  2. Mom just thinks it's funny because she doesn't have to clean the flour out of all the kitchen crevices. I'm glad that you took before pictures so at least Sleepy Drooly Dad could see the miracles you worked. And yikes tablet cocktail! Stinkers!

  3. Oh! My! I am laughing so hard! This brings back so many memories! I know that you, Amy, often ate unedibles, too! I don't think you were plotting to get a tummy ache, tho.
    I love the pictures! Hugs and Kisses from Grandmama

  4. Haha! This is so funny! It's amazing what kids will do to get what they want. And the flour all over the kitchen, that is all too familiar :)
