Sunday, October 26, 2014

Family Schooling Summary

Big sister A learned about atoms and molecules in her "Art as Science" class this week at co-op school.  She made this gum drop molecule and a lego atom. 

Remember that Earth model from a couple weeks ago?  They decided that it was time to recycle it and made rainbow sculptures with the cousins.

 This week at the nature center we had a class about trees and fall. The kiddos liked looking at the wildlife best of all. They had this neat display of monarch butterflies:
The leader read a story called Red Leaf Yellow Leaf:
 Then we went out and played in the leaves and collected leaves for their leaf journals.

 We finished off the day by taking a wander through the grass/meadow maze that they had set up.

We had all the other usual classes this week too -- dance, soccer, and swimming. Big sister A is doing the Pizza Hut reading contest and will try to read 10 books this month (goal) so that she can get a free pizza.  We played a lot with the cousins this week as they were closing and getting ready, and then moving in to their new house this weekend.

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