Sunday, August 10, 2014

Family Schooling Summary

Our buddy from Utah was a very generous visitor and also left us this Bananagrams game that she found at the local thrift store.  It has been a fun new way to practice making words. One day big sister A's goal was to use all the letters. We got pretty close, but even I could not make anything of the last "OUO"  that was left. We continue to practice handwriting and have been advancing through the clock workbook that I mentioned last week. Big sister A finished her swim lessons and was promoted to the next level! She loves diving for things under the water. We have done 4 of 6 Music Together lessons now. I hear the kiddos singing a lot more to themselves and unconsciously practicing the musical rhythms that they are learning in the class. It is not to surprising really since the songs get stuck in my head too!

The kiddos were also invited to a cool "Wild Kratts" themed birthday party this weekend. The mom made these creative t-shirts that they can stick their various animal powers transformer tags on.  They had a great time their friends.

 Baby S mostly liked the balls at the birthday party. He is not shy. He just got right down and played with the big kids.

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