Sunday, February 16, 2014

Home Schooling Summary for Last Week: Valentine's Activities

On Monday we had a little class about flowers and plants for Valentine's Day. The kiddos made flower arrangements in recycled tuna cans with oasis sponges as the base. It made a great center piece for our table at home!

They colored Valentine's pictures and played with the fruit/veggie stand.

The teacher read them The Old Lady Who Swallowed A Rose

Then we went to the conservatory to look for heart shaped leaves and different colored flowers. They had a chart and put stickers on the ones that they found.

Tuesday we had another Valentine's activity at the other Nature Center. The children made suet bird feeders molded in the shape of hearts. We put them right outside our dining room window, hoping that the birds will come and find it... though I think our squirrel buddies are more likely to benefit!

They had a fun time looking at the huge variety of birds feeding in front of the Nature Center's picture window.

Then we went on a walk through the woods to see what other birds and nests we could see that winter day. It was chilly, but the kids found lots of fun things to look at and explore.

Inside the Nature Center we visited some familiar faces. They have a large tank of turtles and also snakes, toads, and lizards.

The kids had more ice skating practice and the last class this week. Big sister A's teacher suggested that we skip the level 2 class for her and move her on to level 3! I guess she did well on the evaluation.

Thursday's gymnastics class was cancelled due to snow and we stayed home on Valentine's Day too. When the kiddos woke up in the morning they each had one small box of conversation hearts and one present (the wished for magnifying glass) for them to share. I was trying to make it less sugary this year.

Baby S ignored the conversation heart candies and went straight for my present - peppermint patties. I can't blame him.

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