Sunday, July 10, 2016

Summer Work: Building Pyramids and Bringing Down Bushes

I think these hedges are a variety of English Laurel bush. They wrap around between the front yard and the road. They were making it hard to see as we pulled out of the driveway and also seemed comically tall -- well over our heads.  I went out with the hedge trimmers and a step ladder to try to bring them back into line.  I could see that they had been pruned to a much lower level for many years, but allowed to grow vertically in recent years. After several hours with the hedge trimmer, I made no noticeable progress.  I got hubby on the job and he found the proper tool (a pole saw) and brought them down to size. 

  It's great to have a driveway where the kids can enjoy riding their bikes.  We don't let them go on the bottom half (near the road), but they have plenty of pavement to play on between the house and the barn.

Hydrangeas next to the back of the  house are blooming. I love seeing them when I walk by.

This week A made a project to go with all the books about Ancient Egypt that we, but mostly she, has been reading.
  Mummy and sarcophagus
  Pyramid drying
Dry. Being painted.

 Started making things to go inside

We also went to a show at the library.  They have a free show every Wednesday during the summer.  This one was about reptiles, but they also taught the kids about tarantulas, beetles, and toads.

I think we will be going to the aquarium every week this summer.  I mentioned to some friends at church that we can bring 5 guests for free and everyone wants to go with us (like I said last time, it is pretty expensive without the pass).

 This is our second visit, but there are still so many things to see that we saw several new exhibits and found out about a whole bunch of others that we haven't visited yet.

This is a fish that spits to get bugs to fall into the water so they can eat them.  The guide demonstrated this with crickets. Amazing.

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