Monday, July 25, 2016

Summer Fun: Water storage

 The tornado that passed by jolted me into putting the food storage in our new house in order. We ordered some more 5 gallon water jugs. I took inventory of what we have left in our long term storage. Now I will start buying a little each month to fill in the gaps

We had a quieter week and tried to stay on top of our school stuff, guitar practice, and riding lessons. It was still busy enough that we had exhausted kiddos falling asleep mid-afternoon.  
 I tried 2 new canning recipes - Honey bread and butter pickles & Dilly beans.  One of the jars broke in the pot.  It has been a struggle trying to figure out how to can things on our glass top stove.

 Homemade jam and homemade bread are the staple foods of this summer. We have a huge wild blackberry bramble around one side of our property. I made a pie with those berries this week, but forgot to take a picture.

Their is something therapeutic about holding animals. I am surprised with some of the rough love that the kittens get from the younger kiddos that they still hang out on the deck.  But every morning the kids run out to snuggle them. They like to sleep on these deck chairs. I hope they are hunting something at night to earn their keep!

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