Sunday, December 21, 2014

Family Schooling Summary

This week big sister A discovered educational computer games. She did about 30 minutes of learning keyboarding, and a bunch of spelling and math games.  It has been hard to find games that are at the right level.  She did some "Super Y" games on pbs kids, but by the second day she had already mastered those and we were looking for others. None have really stood out so far, but we will keep looking and report back. Meanwhile, she continues to enjoy math a lot more than reading, but does both in her workbooks anyway. 

Monday we had another class at the nature center.  This one was geared towards younger kids, but digging for bones and shells in the giant sandbox and playing with "snow" was fun for all.

See the "snow" on her coat?

 Some cute pics of the kiddos from another Etsy shop photo shoot.  I have not added these items yet to the shop, hopefully this week.

Running around the clothesline pole is a favorite activity outside.

We had the Joy School nativity play this week. Brother M was a shepherd and sister A was a wiseman. Neither were super excited about their parts. They just came for the after party (treats).

As I have mentioned, we are not big cake fans, but A and M have been waiting to have a "castle cake" (Thanks to Gpa Jim for the pan!).  So we made a castle on a cloud of whipped cream and berries.

I was really worried that it would crumble as I took it out of the pan.  I used the recipe from the Williams Sonoma website that is called "vanilla castle cake" just to be as safe as possible.  The kids want to make a chocolate version of it for a scary haunted cake for M's friend birthday party next Halloween.

Presents and cards from the grandparents.  Thanks everyone!

Waving to Grandpop after his visit.  He was in town for a few hours photographing a wedding for someone in his ward.

Saturday was big sister A's holiday dance recital.  It was a huge change from 2 years ago when she was too afraid to go out on stage.  She liked all her dances and had a great time performing. They did one tap, one jazz, and one ballet number, plus the grande finale with all the other dancers.

We made our annual trip to see the Christmas lights at the Washington DC temple.  It was very cold, but the kids LOVED seeing the thousands of lights. Baby S kept saying, "I love them Mommy". It was so cute.

We went to Ikea for dinner Saturday and hot dogs and ice cream, which was what M wanted for his birthday dinner. The kids were also hoping to play in the kid zone for an hour or so, especially the ball pit. But the whole store was pretty packed and there was a long line at the kid zone. We just quickly grabbed the things we needed to replace the flood ruined items and then headed over the the hot dogs.

Brother M opened his presents when we got home.  He got a big tool kit/workbench thing, some cars, a book, and some Thomas the train tracks... Much more Thomas stuff to come on Christmas morning.

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