Sunday, May 4, 2014

Chickens Week 7: Building a Chicken Coop

 I planned that our chicken coop would be a tractor style - meaning it would be wheeled so that we could move it around the yard. The benefits of this are that it spreads the manure, pest control, and aeration effects of chickens on the grass all around the yard.  
The inspiration photo that I gave my brilliant husband was this one from Green Chicken Coop through William Sonoma.

Here are a series of pictures showing the progress of building the coop over 3 Saturdays:

Carved handles for moving the coop

Nesting boxes at the back

We did a little time capsule and let the kiddos draw on the coop floor

Vinyl tiles on the floor should make it easier to clean.
We will also white wash the interior with lime for sanitation.

Sides and roof are up. 

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