Thursday, May 16, 2013

Recommended Reading: Carrots Love Tomatoes

Honestly, I have been putting off writing this post because I am almost finished with another book, but I don't want to review it until I am done. A good ending some times makes the story.  Anyway, since it is putting me even more behind than usual I've decided to post about another book that I have been reading all this week. It's called Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louise Riotte. I used it last season too. I love it.  My style of gardening is called "Potager" - see the Homestead Revival blog for a good definition.  I plant things all mixed in together to make it look prettier, to make the best possible use of space, and as a form of organic pest control. There is a wall of mint surrounding my cauliflower and broccoli, for example, and its job is to discourage slugs and other pests from attacking my plants. Marigolds help my tomatoes and cucumbers stay healthy (bugs dislike their smell) and so on. This lovely book is my guide to which kinds of plants are buddies, acquaintances, and bitter rivals. This is not the only book on this topic, but it's a good one. It is fairly comprehensive including most veggies, herbs, fruit trees, and wild plants (although I did not see lemon grass in this edition).

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