The weather was cool and dry for most of June, more like spring than summer. We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the beautiful weather.
We hosted a square dance in our barn, with a professional caller.
It was one of Big Sister A and Big Brother M's Children and Youth goals in the social category. We had a lot of fun.
We spent several days getting the barn all tidy and powerwashed.
Brother S is getting to be an expert in pruning and trellising up tomatoes.
Miss L and Brother S harvested and shelled so many pounds of peas. Eventually, we had to use "you can watch a movie while you shell" as an incentive to keep shelling.
The youth from church had a big closing social with water games, volleyball, refreshments, and a skit.

The big kids and Daddy went to Scout camp for a week. While they were gone, the younger three and I went on some fun adventures. We went to the Chinese buffet after working hard weeding.
We worked hard in the high tunnel while it was pouring rain.Miss L went on an adventure in search of horse toys to spend all her money on. And we discovered a magical brick and mortar toy store.
We had ice cream rewards for getting all the chores done -- tidying up the house and helping in the garden.
For Sam's adventure, he wanted to go to the Air and Space museum. He had learned a lot about planes since we were there last time. He had specific ones that he especially was hoping to see.We saw Grandpa J's plane from the Vietnam War.
Our apricots fell off the tree because we had so much rain so fast. We picked them up and they were yummy. We ate some fresh and also made apricot butter.
We hosted a visit to the farm for 10 little children from the kids' classes at church. They were so excited to hold all the fuzzy animals... and play in the sand, and pick carrots, raspberries and currants.
Baby A and I tested out the leftovers of a batch of black currant jam. So delicious.
Miss L sampled the first plums from our tree.
Brother M has been kindly picking and bringing in wineberries for all to share.
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