Sunday, June 6, 2021

Farm Fresh: May on the Farm

May was a beautiful month -- warm temperatures, good amounts of rain, and happy productive plants.
Peonies, choisya, roses, and lilacs bloomed in succesion. 
Three of four mama muscovy ducks have hatched their ducklings -- 22 ducklings hatched and are being cared for by their mamas.  Two of them (Perry and Blondie) are in the fenced garden together. One is in the high tunnel (Sunny). That keeps them semi -corralled, but gives them plenty of room to roam. We bring them food and water daily, but the mamas are in charge of sheltering, warming, and teaching them what to do. 

Brother S and Miss L were assigned to weed a corner of the garden (the elecampane area) for their daily garden chore. It was hot and sunny.  They brought some shade with them. Innovative weeding. 

Strawberries! This has been our best strawberry year yet! Our plants are growing happily and there are so many strawberries. The first week was only a pint or two a day. Now we are getting at least a quart each day. 

The kids made strawberry shortcake one day.  Big sis A made the biscuits and Daddy bought them some whipped cream to go with it.  I also think it's delicious with yogurt. 

The Silver Rabbits did not do well on their first litters. It was a debacle and none of the 12 survived.  This time all 4 mamas made nests.  Two of them put their babies in the nest box.  Two of them seem to be feeding their babies. One mama is ignoring her kits.  Luckily there are only 2 in that litter.  I pulled them out today and put them in with a different litter to give them a chance.  They are pretty thin. We'll see whether they make it or not. 
This mama is named Cream Puff.  She's our favorite.  So pretty and her babies are looking fat. 
She has one fawn (same color as her) and four agouti (brown) babies (kits). 

Baby A scored his first taste of chocolate. It was a hit. 

Fat toad. The ducks are getting fat off the cicadas too. 
My poor little trees! This is just part one of the cicada damage.  The female has laid her eggs in these lesions and the nymphs will burst out and kill the branch in a couple weeks. 

Possible albino cicada
We celebrated Memorial day with a family from outside our pod.  They are all fully vaccinated so it was safe and very fun to hang out and chat with friends. 
The potatoes just started blossoming -- which means we could try to harvest some new potatoes if we wanted. 

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