Harvesting is ramping up. I gathered a big bowl of our elderflowers and made a delicious anti viral syrup with them.
Elderflower syrup steeps for at least 24 hours and then I store it in the fridge. I made two berry rhubarb pies for hubby's Father's day dessert. All the fruits were grown right here!
I processed 5 of our cabbages this week. I made a gallon of purple kraut and cabbage salad for our dinner one night.
The peas are done for the summer. We pulled off the last of the pods and put the vines in the compost.
They will be immediately followed by pole beans -- a variety called "Lazy Housewife" which I get a kick out of. I think they're called that because you can eat them fresh or dry them. So if you don't harvest them in time, you'll still have some to store for winter eating.

Our first tomato was a yellow variety! And a few of the white cherry tomatoes.
I made myself a delicious tomato basil sandwich for lunch that day! There's nothing like the first fresh tomato of the season after a long winter/spring without them.
We also replanted our sweet corn. We made a new temporary fenced area inside of the fenced garden. I think our ducks ate the first round that we planted.
My zinnias and artichokes are coming in well. There's a good number of basil and hot pepper plants mixed in there as well.
Deer have been nibbling things along the backside of the high tunnel, my cucumbers and Jerusalem artichokes.
First cucumber of 2021!