Sunday, March 15, 2020

Family Fun: St Patty's Day Playdate, and Outdoor Fun

Missed updating the blog last week because I was preparing to teach a class for youth night on "foraging".  We had several fun playdates over the last couple weeks.  Good thing since we won't be having any for the foreseeable future! For one of them our friends brought all the fancy trimmings to decorate shamrock cookies.

The girls kept the youngest entertained with taking pictures of themselves while his mama and I filled the back of her car with 5 gallon buckets of rabbit manure for her new garden.
 On Saturday we tried to have a campfire with some friends.  We cooked the hot dogs and then it started raining during the s'mores.  We came inside and turned off the lights to do the "spooky stories" that my kiddos had written.
Big sister A made a little museum exhibit in her room by dressing up her dolls and labeling the various historical stations. It was very cleverly done with what she had on hand. 

 I especially like this one from 1914 since she drew the NYC back drops.
 We attended an Eagle Court of Honor for a young man that hubby helped when he was a cub scout.
 Brother M bought a new drone with his earnings. He wanted one that had a video camera and card, but that didn't require a smart phone.  This one has its own screen.
  He has been practicing with our old inexpensive one for awhile so he has pretty good flying skills.  They love watching the videos of themselves doing things in the yard.  I like the high overhead views of the farm-- reminds me of Justin Rhodes' videos.
Today we had church at home. I am grateful that hubby has the priesthood and could bless and pass the sacrament to us at home.  The kids gave talks. We read some of our "Come Follow Me" lessons for Sunday School, watched "Book of Mormon" videos, and sang some songs that the primary chorister sent out for us to practice. 
 One exciting part was that big sister A can accompany us on the piano now.  It's hard to believe she has only been taking piano lessons for 7 months.  She really enjoys it and practices without being reminded. (Anytime she passes by the piano she plays something). She has already finished the advanced beginner book 1 series.  Her teacher is wonderful too.  She will be continuing her lessons via skype for the next couple weeks as will brother M for guitar.
Things that were not photographed: Big sister A went to the temple to do proxy baptisms on her first youth temple trip last Saturday.  Hubby went with her and drove a bunch of the other kids in the van.  Their session started at 8am so they left the house a little before 5am.
We also had a playdate with some friends who have big fields and a creek with cattails.  My kiddos had their first experience pulling out cattail fluff and making "snow".  All the usual swimming,  music, and co-op school lessons as well as regular school work happened too. Big sister A is doing French classes with the free Rosetta Stone software available from the library. The Relief Society presidency came over for a few hours to help me transplant tomatoes from plug trays to 4 inch pots. They will be given out on Mother's Day to the ladies at church.  We went to the chiropractor. Hubby cut down some more small trees in our future blackberry patch.  Brother M had a den meeting and big sister A toured another scout troop that they might join when she bridges to Boy Scouts. I finally got my lab papers sorted out with the HC midwives and had my second glucose tolerance test -- no gestational diabetes.  But after the mess with the lab slips, non responsive phone service (for 5 hours!), record keeping debacle, poorly functioning admin staff, and long wait times, I decided that they are stressing me out too much and I am going back to my original midwifery care providers.  They are wonderful, familiar, well organized,  and not that much farther away.  

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