Monday, July 10, 2017

Family Reunion I: Sharing the farm love

Lots of cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents joined us last week for a family reunion.
 We had fun time sharing a few of our favorite things.
 Turkey poults were one of the visitors' favorite things (a surprise to me). People were entertained by their perching habits, cute noises, and tendency to follow people around.

 Finding and collecting eggs was this cousin's pride and joy. It's a lot harder than usual since the hen house has been turned into a brooding house for egg setters, young chicks, and ducklings. None of the laying hens can lay in egg boxes so they are laying in the grasses and bushes instead.
 Young duckling. We think he/she is a muscovy!
Here she is with her mama:
During the reunion, on Sunday we went to church. While I was sitting in sacrament meeting I found this on baby L's head! uggh. We are checking everyone every night, but it is still scary how many of these we have found. 

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