Monday, November 23, 2015

Road Trip: Louisville, Kentucky

 On our way to Kentucky we had trouble with the some scammers...  I don't think it is worth recording all the details. In summary, they told us that they saw something dripping from our car, that it was transmission fluid, that he was a mechanic and could fix it, but that we needed to give him a little cash to go get the part. I was never 100% sure whether something was wrong with my car or not.  2 hours later on down the road when the check engine light turned on, we pulled over, waited for a tow truck, and stayed at a nearby hotel. The Honda dealership diagnosed it as a known problem with the piston rings. All under warranty. 

After all that, we arrived in Louisville a day later than we originally planned and stayed an extra day too.  We made homemade pizzas the first night.

The next day Aunt C organized everything and helped the kiddos make paper mache lanterns for the Lantern Walk at cousin J's school (Waldorf).

Cousin J still has the cardboard fort that they loved last time we were there.

We also went "bouldering" at a big rock park. It was pretty chilly outside that day, but the kiddos still ran around like crazy. I don't remember why I didn't take any pictures of that.

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