Sunday, January 25, 2015

Family Schooling Summary

Life is mostly revolving around new baby L and recovering from the delivery.  The big kids are playing with daddy and doing some crafts.  Big sister A has been keeping up with her workbooks pretty well and practicing her reading some. Daddy helped them pick out a ton of books from the library and they are doing a lot of reading aloud too.

Electronic devices can be great for answering kids' questions.  The other day they were asking about the sounds that frogs make and so we looked it up. They also continue to talk a lot about "owling" and when we go camping how we will do some owling and hear the sounds that they make (this is all based on that class that we had in December about owls at the nature center).

They recently found their little plastic ocean creatures and so in a mostly self motivated way, they made this 3D ocean model with things that we had around the house. I am so impressed with them!

Painting is a favorite pastime in our house.  I think we probably need to sign the kiddos up for another round of art classes.  They seem to love it.

Baby S is showing off his toast shape.  I can't remember what it was supposed to be that time. I don't know if anyone else's kids do this, but my kids love imagining what shape they bit their toast, pizza, sandwich, cheese slice (anything really) into. Then inevitable they want to take a picture of the truck, rocket, dog etc shape that they made with their food.

Baby L does a lot of sleeping while we do these other projects.

These pics are from a couple weeks ago.  Our driveway is "gravel", which mostly turns into ice or mud at this time of year.  It's awful. Brother M tripped getting out of the car and came out looking like this:

He was covered head to toe in mud or muddy water.  I had to strip him down and put him in the bath tub.  Luckily, it was on our way IN from the car and we did not have to be anywhere.

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