Sunday, October 10, 2021

Family Fun: Late Summer Update


As I mentioned in my last post, I'm a little behind on these updates. Here's what we were up to in September.
The sandpit under our gazebo and the masonry sand on the driveway are an endless source of entertainment for these creative farm kids. 

Scouting and Cubscouting continue to be a regular part of our weekly activities.  Big sister A went to a nature center and had several other troop activities. 

Hubby was finally able to get all his Eagle Scouts together for their Court of Honor (long delayed due to covid).
Brother S and M did a day of popcorn sales at a local gas station for their pack fundraiser and Brother S is diligently working on earning his pocket knife privileges.

Baby A is holding his own in this wild crew. He's skilled at foraging among the harvests and at hollering and pointing until he gets what he wants. 

He enjoys finding cupboards and boxes that he can fit in. 
He likes vehicles of all sorts and also knocking down towers with them. 
Baby A also likes to help with kitchen chores, like bagging up rhubarb for the freezer. 
He LOVES stickers and these Melissa and Doug puffy restickable ones are his favorite. I have bought 4 sets of them now. They are great for car rides and at church.  He also loves reading books.
Big Sister A's bestie spent almost a week at our house and it was a blissful time for her.
We had to go to all our favorite old spots in Amish Country.
For some reason the trampoline is extra fun in a downpour. 
The kids enjoyed our first major pop-up pond in awhile. 

Miss L and Brother S made a "nest" in the middle of the front yard. They raked up a big pile of grass clippings and settled in for a picnic.  They ate and watched the cars go by.  It was pretty hilarious when a tractor and some combines went down the road, slowing traffic.  Then the cars were looking at the kids in their grass nest watching them drive by. Homeschool kids are so creative. 
Baby A had his first visit to the playground this past week.  He loved the slides, especially when he road down on his big brothers' laps.

He wasn't sure about the swings at first and then decided that it was pretty fun, especially when Grandmama tickled his toes.
We rehydrated some old clay projects and made lovely new soft clay.  I had to spread it out on a cookie sheet to help it dry out fast enough for my impatient kids to get their hands on it.  After about a week of checking it every day, they finally divided it up and started building their creations.  
Brother S made a T-Rex:
Brother M made a Triceratops:

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