Sunday, April 22, 2018

Travels to Harper's Ferry

We took Icy to get spayed in West Virginia this week.  It is about an hour away, but costs half as much as spaying does around here so we decided it was worth it. 
 While we were in WV we decided to do a little history tour around Harpers Ferry National Historical Park.  They have an amazing little town set-up. The whole thing is like a museum.  We just popped into each building and looked around at the way the town would have been set-up during the time of the John Brown revolt and the Civil War. My favorite building was the Dry Goods Store:

 Harper's Ferry was a factory town because of its convenient location where the Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers lended water power and made transportation easy. The C&O canal was there and the B&O Railroad.

Several of the houses were museums dedicated to particular topics - like the industrial revolution, the John Brown Revolt, and the Railroad. In one of them their was a dress-up corner. 

 Civil War era wagon (replica):
 We could have hiked a lot farther, but Miss L was super tired and wanted to get lunch.


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