Monday, June 30, 2014

Garden Progress: Berries by the Pint

We are bringing in (or eating) about a pint of black berries and raspberries from our bushes each day, with no sign of an end in sight. Deliciousness!
The cucumbers were going great too, but the beetles are attacking now, so I am not sure how many I will end up with.

I made a huge pot of borscht with our first beets of the season.  The cabbages seemed like they were not ready yet so I replaced that with kohlrabi. I also used venison instead of beef.  It was so yummy. Big sister A gobbled it up and little brother S liked it, but mostly appreciated the sour cream.


  1. I finally used that kohlrabi that travelled all around with us to Nauvoo. Curried chickpea and kohlrabi pilaf--awesome! I should have tried it while we were together.
