Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sew Special: Cinderella Costume

The theme of this week's posts is A's Halloween Birthday Party. For anyone who has not already heard about the rationale for having her birthday party two months early - it was a question of weather. The thing that daughter A wanted most of all for her party was a pinata. It would not have been a safe game to do in the house.  Plus this way I was able to keep most of the craziness and mess making outside.

Here is daughter A hitting the super homemade bat pinata (inspiration found here) and wearing the Cinderella dress that I made for her. All the dress materials, including the pattern, were leftovers from other projects - so it was a very low cost affair. We found the Cinderella shoes in Texas over summer vacation at a thrift store with Aunt E. And those were her "party day present" from us. 

Husband A. attached the pinata to a long board and hung it off the deck while the kids swung at it. We do not have any trees mature enough to hang it from their branches.

It was ahem a very well made pinata and took several rounds of swinging kids to break it apart. We realized half way through that the wings acted as a shield for the body. Once we took them off it went much faster. In terms of being easy for little kids to break - I recommend the flour and water type of paper mache. I used that for the head and the diluted glue type of paper mache for the body.

Here is the birthday girl with her candy haul after the pinata broke. Also this gives a nice view of the front of her Cinderella dress and little brother M in his turtle costume.

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