We had our last Easter party with my brother's family. They are moving to Florida in a couple of weeks.
We let the youngest four kids have the first three minutes to hunt before we released the older kids. It's a little more fair that way.
Twenty of the twenty two duck eggs that we put in the incubator hatched this week! I tried a different approach with them. Normally, I feel pretty locked in to the 24 hour window with hatching. That is to say, after 24 hours in the incubator chicks/ducklings need to come out so that they can get a drink of water etc. Germs and bacteria build up quickly once they start to hatch and poop outside of the eggs. And if you open the incubator to take some out then usually the humidity drops and the egg sac stiffens so that any who haven't hatched yet have very little chance of breaking out.
The hatching was spread out over almost 3 days. After the first 24 hours there were about 12 ducklings ready to go into the brooder. I just opened the incubator a crack and carefully pulled out each duckling pausing to make sure that the heat and humidity levels were not changing much. That allowed the other 8 slower eggs time to hatch. The incubator was very stinky after 3 days of hatching, but ducklings are very sturdy compared to chicks and turkeys. None of them seem to have gotten sick.
Lots of gardening happening around here. I made a new rule that everyone has to do one garden chore each day in addition to all their other chores. The kids have been good with it and have been working hard right along with me.
Lots of my seedlings have moved out from under the grow lights and are hardening off outside on the front stoop.
I cover them during the afternoons and gradually expose them to a few more hours of direct sun each day.