Sunday, September 3, 2017

Pet shows and pet sorrows

Some kids on the farm where we buy our milk wanted to have a little pet show. We brought one of our youngest bunnies and a duckling to show. 

  Our home hatched duckling is bigger than his mama now and seems to be still growing!

Another first in our pet/farm journey as a family. First time we had to decide to put one to sleep. Theodore, our super friendly and much loved kitty, got a blood clot in his lower back.  We knew that he had a mild heart murmur when we adopted him, but apparently it had gotten worse even just in the year since his last check-up.  I found him laying in the barn on Sunday night meowing loudly. He couldn't move his back legs much and was kind of dragging them. We took him to the vet on Monday. She said that he had a "very poor prognosis" and they could try to do something, but even with the best care he would likely continue to deteriorate.
 Here are some very sad kids trying to say "good-bye".
We went out before they put him to sleep.  We had a little funeral out behind the barn. Not even two years here yet and there are already 3 pet graves. Hard lessons, but important ones as they give us an opportunity to talk about what happens after death and how valuable all life is to our Heavenly Father.

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